Car Park

Harpa's Car Park

Harpa's Car Park is open 24 hours a day and has 545 parking spaces across two floors. Thirteen of those spaces are equipped with charging stations.

The Car Park is well-lit and heated, with direct access to Harpa. Green Parking manages the parking lots on behalf of the owners and provides services to car owners using these facilities.

Please note that you can drive and walk from the Harpa Car Park to the parking garage under Hafnartorg and the Edition Hotel; however, this involves a different toll area.

Useful information

PaymentPayment is required 24 hours a day. Please note that methane and electric vehicles are also subject to payment.
Price Hourly fee is 510 kr.
How does this work? Cameras read license plates when entering the Car Park. Payment must be made before exiting.
How do I pay for parking?You can pay at the toll booths with a credit card or by using the Parka or EasyPark parking app.
EasyPark You must register your car in a parking space or have automatic registration enabled in the app. See more at
ParkaYou must register your car in a parking space or have automatic registration enabled in the app. See more at
Charging stations13 charging stations from ON are located on the lower level of the Car Park.
Vehicle height limit2,2 meters.
Non-payment feeIs applied when a vehicle is parked without proof of payment or if the payment duration is insufficient.

P-badge / Disabled parking

Do I pay for parking in a P-marked car?Parking in a P-marked car is free, but you must send an email at least 3 hours before your arrival.
Where should I send an email? Please send it to for information regarding a planned visit.
What information needs to be included in the email?Name and ID number of the holder of the P-tag. Vehicle number, timing and photo of the P-tag.
What happens if I don´t send an email?The pricing list for the car park will apply.
P-spaces / Disabled parkingThere are 19 disabled parking spaces available, and it is recommended to use them. If all of these are occupied, please park in a general parking space. Parking is not reserved, even though notification has been sent.
Non-payment feeIs sent for unmarked cars according to the tariff.
How long can I park the car?Parking a car marked with a P-badge is not allowed for more than 10 hours in a single parking space.
What if I park longer than 10 hours?The pricing list for the car park will apply.

Good to know

First 15 minutesAre free. If you drive in and out of the Car Park within 15 minutes, there is no charge.
Where can't you park?Parking is prohibited in front of Harpa (at Harpa´s square). The square is a so-called drop-off area where guests get in and out of their cars.
Parking on the east side of HarpaThese are private parking lots and therefore parking is prohibited.
Fog or smoke in the Car ParkIf guests notice fog or smoke in the Car Park, it is not due to pollution. Instead, it comes from smoke effects being used on the Eldborg stage. The exhaust from Eldborg is utilised to heat the Car Park, contributing to Harpa´s environmentally friendly practices.

Goods re­cep­tion

The goods reception is situated at the northeast corner of the building, making it convenient for parking and accommodating delivery trucks and smaller vehicles that bring in goods or merchandise. It is open every weekday from 08:00 to 16:00 or by arrangement with the duty room. Please note that deliveries and processing of goods through the main entrance of the building are not allowed.
