Börn og Fjölskyldan, Fjölskyldudagskrá Hörpu, Maxímús, Ókeypis viðburður

Event poster

Fjöl­s­ky­l­dud­ag­skrá Hör­pu: Skoðun­ar­ferð með Maxímús


0 kr

Next event

Sunday 30th March - 10:00



Ingibjörg Fríða leads a tour for Harpa's youngest visitors accompanied by adults in search of Maximus Músíkús. We go through the various halls, nooks and crannies of Harpa and wonder if they are ideal places for a little mouse to live - Maximus Músíkús is certainly by far the smallest resident registered as a home in Harpa.

The tour is approximately half an hour long.

Admission is free, but tickets must be booked here, as the number of participants is limited. Only one child is booked, but two adults may accompany them.

  • Registration for sight seeing tour at 10 AM in Icelandic is here.
  • Registration for sight seeing tour at 11 AM in Icelandic is here.
  • Registration for sight seeing tour at 12 PM in Polish is here.

  • Accessibility 

    The event takes place in Icelandic and Icelandic. 

    Event suitable for children of all ages.

    The tour takes place in the open spaces and halls of Harpa, where access to elevators is expected for guests who need it. 

    More information about visits to Harpa and accessibility can be found here.

    We would like to inform guests that a photographer commissioned by Harpa may be present at the event. If parents or guardians do not want pictures of their children to appear in coverage of the event on Harpa's media, please let the staff or the photographer know on the spot or via the email address markadsdeild@harpa.is. 



    Ticket prices are


    0 kr.

    What's on

    Sunday 30. March - 10:00

    Sunday 30. March - 11:00

    Upcoming events in Harpa