Kór, Rokk, Tónleikar, Tónlist
8.900 kr
Next event
Friday 25th April - 17:30
The Rock Choir of Iceland is celebrating its 10th anniversary with style and is joined by a national team of musicians together with one of our nations most beloved rock singers, Eiríkur Hauksson. Due to his residence in Norway, Eiríkur Hauksson has not performed much in Iceland, so this is a major event. Many songs that he has made famous will be performed in new arrangements for solo singers, choir and a band, by the choir's director Matthías V. Baldursson. Songs that The Rock Choir has sung over the years will also be performed, mixed with well-chosen symphonic metal songs that bands like Epica, Within Temptation and Nightwish have made popular. In fact, this is the first time in Iceland‘s choir history that a choir holds a metal concert. To ensure that guests get metal directly into their veins, the choir acquired two musicians from the Icelandic metal band Skálmöld, Jón Geir Jóhannsson on drums and Þráinn Árni Baldvinsson on guitar. There will also be three heavyweight musicians from Iceland, Eiður Arnarsson on bass, Birgir Þórisson on keybord and Sigurgeir Sigmundsson on guitar, and Sigurgeir will also lead the band.
The Rock Choir of Iceland has always taken unconventional paths since its inception. The choir currently has around 80 singers, most of whom have a common interest in pop, rock and various other popular music genres. The result is a powerful and completely unique sound that is definitely the first of its kind in our country.
The choir was founded In the spring of 2015 by Matthías V. Baldursson and several singers who wanted to create a different choir that would suit pop and rock voices and would sing proper rock music. The choir’s first task was to go to a studio and record some well-chosen songs that were released on Spotify. The choir performed for the first time in Harpa’s concert hall “Eldborg” in the fall of 2015 at Sniglaband’s anniversary concert, and after that there was no turning back. The Rock Choir of Iceland was here to stay!
The choir held its first concert in Harpa’s concert hall “Kaldalón” in February of 2016, where the music of the 80’s was well received and has held several concerts since then with various themes, including 70’s, 90’s, Icelandic songs, singalongs and unplugged concerts. The choir’s biggest event was, without a doubt, getting the amazing opportunity to sing with Foreigner in Laugardalshöll in May of 2018, and there the choir really lived up to its name as The Rock Choir of Iceland when it performed the song “I wanna know what love is” with them.
In the fall of 2019, the choir went back to studio and sang a few songs on the CD “Þúsund ára ríkið”, published by the band Huldumenn, and in 2022, the choir released the song “Ríðum, ríðum” in collaboration with the boys in Væb.
The attendance In the choir has never been higher and there is always a lot of drive and hard work in the group. The future is, therefore, bright and exciting.
Rokkkór Íslands
Ticket prices are
8.900 kr.
What's on
Friday 25. April - 17:30
This unique and beautiful hall on the second floor of Harpa is suitable for concerts, conferences, exhibitions, annual festivals and all kinds of gatherings. Norðurljós is the perfect setting and offers a wide range of seating arrangements and layouts.
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