Börn og Fjölskyldan, Fjölskyldan, Fjölskyldudagskrá Hörpu

Event poster

Reyk­javík Early Mu­sic Fest­ival & Harpa's Fam­ily Pro­gram: Baby Baroque


0 kr

Next event

Tuesday 15th April - 10:00



Reykjavík Early Music Festival in collaboration with Harpa’s Family Program presents:

 Baby Baroque 

  • Where? Norðurljós at Harpa Concert Hall
  •  When? 10:00 & 11:00
  •  Duration? 30 minutes
  • For whom? Children aged 0-3 & families
  • Guests can enjoy the concert regardless of their native language.
  • Free admission! Registration opens on April 10 at 10:00 on harpa.is

Concerts for ages 0–3! Baroque music will be performed in a child-friendly way with a special focus on the youngest audience members. Svafa Þórhallsdóttir soprano along with violinist Guðbjörg Hlín Guðmundsdóttir and harpsichordist Halldór Bjarki Arnarson will perform on Baroque instruments, which produce a light and pure sound particularly suited for the very young.
The program includes music by composers such as Händel, Mozart, Bach, Purcell, and Gluck. Additionally, there will be a delightful surprise from the Icelandic folk music tradition, featuring familiar tunes that many audience members will recognize and are welcome to sing along with.
The concerts are interactive, with Svafa using her voice, storytelling, moving around freely, and using props to create an imaginative space. This encourages creativity and makes both children and adults active participants in the music.

More information about visits to Harpa and accessibility can be found here.

We would like to inform guests that a photographer/recorder commissioned by Harpa may be present at the event. If parents or guardians do not want pictures/videos of their children to appear in coverage of the event on Harpa's media, please let the staff or the photographer know on the spot or via the email address markadsdeild@harpa.is



Ticket prices are


0 kr.

What's on

Tuesday 15. April - 10:00


This unique and beautiful hall on the second floor of Harpa is suitable for concerts, conferences, exhibitions, annual festivals and all kinds of gatherings. Norðurljós is the perfect setting and offers a wide range of seating arrangements and layouts.

a large auditorium filled with rows of chairs and purple lights .

Upcoming events in Norðurljós