15th July 2022

Harpa's Con­fer­ence De­part­ment

receives the Nordic Swan Ecolabel

Every year, Harpa's Conference Department organizes hundreds of events, attracting tens of thousands of guests from all over the world. Conferences, meetings and banquets of all shapes and sizes are held in Harpa.

Numerous major national and international conferences on important issues are held in Harpa regularly, from public health to climate issues. Meetings are organized by companies and individuals, both foreign and domestic, and on various issues, e.g. policy-making, annual results, education and presentations of various kinds. In Harpa, people also come to celebrate milestones with their loved ones and hold confirmations, baptisms, weddings and birthdays to name a few.

Harpa places great emphasis on the guests' experience being the best and that they have fond memories of world-class conference halls. Harpa also strives to ensure that visitors leave as little carbon footprint and waste as possible. Harpa's goal is to reduce the environmental impact of events and to be as environmentally friendly as possible throughout the process.

Harpa is proud to have received the Nordic Swan Ecolabel and the entire organization of events now takes into account the criteria required by the Nordic Ecolabel.

Click here to see more about Harpa's green policy.
