Pho­to­graphy in Harpa

Pho­to­graphy in Harpa

Permission is required for all photo shoots in Harpa.

Harpa is an award-winning work of art that millions of people have visited since its opening. The venue is extremely popular for photography, but it's important to note that the glass facade is protected by copyright.

Photography or videography in Harpa, both indoors and outdoors, requires permission. Personal photos, such as confirmation photos, student photos, and wedding photos for individual use, are allowed within limits.

I want to take personal photos in Harpa, what do I do?

If you would like to take personal photos in Harpa, please submit an inquiry with your preferred date and time. This will help ensure that your photo shoot does not coincide with any events in the building. You may not be able to take photos during significant events, but we will try to find a time and/or date that works for you.

For inquiries about personal photo shoots, please get in touch with

You need to apply for a permit for the following:

Harpa is copyrighted, and permission for photography and recording projects must be submitted to the management of Harpa, the house's designers and architects. A fee is charged for photography and recordings for larger projects.

  • For promotional purposes, e.g., corporate employee photography, individual photography for public use, and commercials for large and small companies.
  • All recordings of concerts, whether audio or video, are strictly prohibited except with required permission.

Please send questions about permission to photograph or record to be sent to

When Harpa permits Commercial photo sessions/ filming in Harpa, the designers must be correctly mentioned in the image captions:

Architects: Henning Larsen Architects and Batteríið Architects. Façade design and development: Olafur Eliasson and Studio Olafur Eliasson in collaboration with Henning Larsen Architects.