20th July 2023
Grassroots music is blooming
134 applications were received for the Upprásina concert series.

Harpa, in cooperation with Reykjavík Music City and the broadcasting channel Rás 2, is organising a concert series that is dedicated to the grassroots of Icelandic music, across musical genres.
The establishment of the concert series is a part of implementing Harpa's programming strategy to facilitate young people's access to grassroots music and all musical genres in addition to increasing the variety of events held in Harpa.
Applications were announced this spring, and it can be said with great joy that the growth in grassroots music is flourishing. A total of 134 applications were received, which far exceeded expectations. The vast majority of the applications were really good, making the selection of 26 applicants, to perform in Upprásin winter ´23 - ´24, very difficult. It is unfortunately clear that there are a lot of talented musicians who did not make it this year. When choosing the participants in the Upprásin, diversity was considered, both in consideration to musical styles and performers.
The concert series will take place in Kaldalón in Harpa this winter, with monthly concerts where three bands will perform each time. The program of the Upprásin will be announced later this summer on harpa.is, but the concert series will start on September 5th.
For further information contact Ása Berglind Hjálmarsdóttir, project manager of programming in Harpa, asaberglind@harpa.is.
4th December 2024
Opnunartími í Hörpu yfir hátíðirnar
Kynntu þér opnunartímana og dagskrána í Hörpu yfir hátíðirnar
6th November 2024
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10th September 2024
Coocoo's Nest "brunch takeover" at Hnoss in Harpa
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