31st January 2023
Magnificent concert
with Anne-Sophie Mutter and the Mutter Virtuosi in Eldborg.
A unique concert by star violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter and the Mutter Virtuosi in Eldborg last Friday were truly world-class and the musicians received multiple standing ovations. High-quality acoustics and an elegant setting in Eldborg delivered the concert in a magical way to the guests and showed that the world stage belongs in Harpa. For decades, Mutter has performed in all the major music halls in the world, and now Harpa has joined the list of world-renowned concert halls abroad in which the superstar has performed.
The programme included the Icelandic premiere of Unsuk Chin's Gran Cadenza, a violin duet written for Mutter, a concerto for four violins by Antonio Vivaldi, Chevalier de Sainte-Georges Violin Concerto No. 5, opus 2 by Joseph Bologne and most importantly The Four Seasons by Vivaldi. Mutter Virtuosi, Mutter's string ensemble, is considered one of a kind, with rising stars and outstanding students selected by its scholarship fund.
4th December 2024
Opnunartími í Hörpu yfir hátíðirnar
Kynntu þér opnunartímana og dagskrána í Hörpu yfir hátíðirnar
6th November 2024
Verðlaunahafar Norðurlandaráðs heimsóttu Hörpu
Svanhildur Konráðsdóttir tók á móti hópi verðlaunahafa Norðurlandaráðs á dögunum.
10th September 2024
Coocoo's Nest "brunch takeover" at Hnoss in Harpa
Lucas Keller from Coocoo's Nest and Leifur Kolbeinsson from La Primavera join forces at Hnoss!