17th August 2021
Responsible event management
Harpa emphasizes responsible event management and adheres to the current rules and standards for meeting restrictions. Event arrangements are always carried out in close collaboration with the department of civil defence with professionalism and reliability as a guiding principle.

The basis for responsible events in Harpa is based on the following:
- The front house and public space in Harpa are large and spacious. They are open and accessible without restrictions, but guests are advised to respect social distancing.
- Disinfection of areas in public spaces and halls is greater than usual, as increased emphasis is placed on contact surfaces such as lifts, doorknobs and handrails.
- Hand sanitisers are available at the box office and in public areas.
- Halls are divided into quarantine areas where maximum capacity adheres to the current rules and standards for meeting restrictions, at each time.
- Entrances to different quarantine areas of halls are separated.
- Toilets are defined and separated for each area.
- Disinfection of the main contact surfaces in halls is carried out between events.
- Visitors are systematically encouraged to show responsibility and take care of personal infection prevention.
- Harpa´s employees wear face masks and we kindly ask our guests to do the same.
4th December 2024
Opnunartími í Hörpu yfir hátíðirnar
Kynntu þér opnunartímana og dagskrána í Hörpu yfir hátíðirnar
6th November 2024
Verðlaunahafar Norðurlandaráðs heimsóttu Hörpu
Svanhildur Konráðsdóttir tók á móti hópi verðlaunahafa Norðurlandaráðs á dögunum.
10th September 2024
Coocoo's Nest "brunch takeover" at Hnoss in Harpa
Lucas Keller from Coocoo's Nest and Leifur Kolbeinsson from La Primavera join forces at Hnoss!