12th May 2021
World Geothermal Congress
The largest conference on geothermal energy in the world
The World Geothermal Congress (WGC) is the largest geothermal conference in the world and takes place every five years.
The conference was originally scheduled to take place in Iceland last year, but unconventional times called for a new approach. Therefore, it was decided to have it as a online event this spring with five meeting per days, in four rounds, from April to July.
Today begins the second round of meetings, which lasts for three days. These days, 162 hours of material will be streamed from Harpa to over 5000 participants around the world.
The conference itself will be held in Harpa next October, where education, events and presentations of international projects in geothermal energy will take place. The aim of the WGC is to bring together key experts, scientists, governments and other stakeholders to discuss the sustainable and environmentally sound use of resources.
4th December 2024
Opnunartími í Hörpu yfir hátíðirnar
Kynntu þér opnunartímana og dagskrána í Hörpu yfir hátíðirnar
6th November 2024
Verðlaunahafar Norðurlandaráðs heimsóttu Hörpu
Svanhildur Konráðsdóttir tók á móti hópi verðlaunahafa Norðurlandaráðs á dögunum.
10th September 2024
Coocoo's Nest "brunch takeover" at Hnoss in Harpa
Lucas Keller from Coocoo's Nest and Leifur Kolbeinsson from La Primavera join forces at Hnoss!