18th January 2024
Upprásin nominated
for The Reykjavik Grapevine's annual Music Awards.
The newest concert series in Harpa, Upprásin, is nominated for The Reykjavik Grapevine's annual Music Awards in the category "Shout Out". The award is a shout out to someone who has made the musical world a better place over the preceding 12 months.
We are so thankful for the nomination and great reception that the concert series has received. Next concert night in Upprásin will take place on January 23, where Sjálfhatur, Emma and Krassoff will perform. Further information.
Upprásin is organized by Harpa in collaboration with the Reykjavik Music City and Rás 2. The project is part of Harpa's programming strategy to support and improve the access of grassroots and young people in all musical genres to Harpa and to increase the diversity and access of music enthusiasts to new Icelandic music, directly from the grass roots of musical life, performed under ideal conditions in the nation's concert hall.
4th December 2024
Opnunartími í Hörpu yfir hátíðirnar
Kynntu þér opnunartímana og dagskrána í Hörpu yfir hátíðirnar
6th November 2024
Verðlaunahafar Norðurlandaráðs heimsóttu Hörpu
Svanhildur Konráðsdóttir tók á móti hópi verðlaunahafa Norðurlandaráðs á dögunum.
10th September 2024
Coocoo's Nest "brunch takeover" at Hnoss in Harpa
Lucas Keller from Coocoo's Nest and Leifur Kolbeinsson from La Primavera join forces at Hnoss!