Classical, Classical and Contemporary Music, Simphony Orchestra, Music

Young So­loists 2025 - Ice­land Sym­phony Or­ches­tra

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2.900 - 5.700 kr

Next event

Friday 25th April - 19:30




Mirian Khukhunaishvili

"Young Soloists" is a musical harvest festival, where students who excel in the solo instrumental and vocal competitions of the Iceland Symphony Orchestra and the Iceland Academy of the Arts perform. The competition is open to all university-level music students, regardless of which school they attend. It is safe to say that those who perform here are the future of Icelandic music and it is exciting to watch them take their first steps into the professional world.

The conductor is the Georgian Mirian Khukhunaishvili, who completed his doctorate in orchestral conducting at the Music Academy in Krakow, Poland, in 2020. Khukhunaishvili has won numerous conducting competitions in recent years. He places great emphasis on working with young people and is the founder and music director of the Youth Orchestra in Tbilisi and the choir director at the Iceland Academy of the Arts, where he also teaches orchestral conducting.

This concert is characterized by a unique atmosphere and there is always great anticipation when the winners take the stage with the Iceland Symphony Orchestra in Eldborg.

The names of the winners will be announced on the ISO website at the end of the competition in January.


Sinfóníuhljómsveit Íslands

The ticket prices are as follows:


5.700 kr.


3.500 kr.


2.900 kr.


2.900 kr.


Harpa´s main hall, Eldborg, is designed to provide the audience with an unforgettable experience on numerous levels. The hall’s design make Eldborg a truly adaptable modern venue that can accommodate up to 1,600 guests at one time. Harpa corner is an open space located in front of the hall. This magnificent space is ideal for coffee breaks or receptions related to events in Eldborg.