For the Family, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas Concert, Free event, Concert, Music

Tón­skóli Sig­urs­veins Mu­sic School's Christ­mas Con­cert


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Next event

Saturday 7th December - 13:00



Tónskóli Sigursveins has its yearly Christmas concert in Hörpuhorn, Harpa's atrium, on Saturday December 7th at 1 PM. 

The students always look very much forward to performing under the big Christmas tree in Harpa. 

The programme of the concert is nicely varied in instruments as well as periods of music. 

The concert is free and everyone is wholeheartedly welcome.


Tónskóli Sigursveins D. Kristinssonar

The ticket prices are as follows:

What´s on

Saturday 7. December - 13:00