
Harpa is home to the Iceland Symphony Orchestra, the Icelandic Opera, Reykjavík's Big Band and Maximus Musicus.

Harpa er þétt samofin menningarlífi landsmanna og gegnir þar lykilhlutverki sem vettvangur fyrir tónlistar- og menningarlíf og miðstöð mannlífs í miðborg Reykjavíkur. Árið 2022 sóttu um 150.000 manns menningarviðburði í Hörpu. Harpa er heimili Sinfóníuhljómsveitar Íslands, Íslensku óperunnar og Stórsveitar Reykjavíkur auk þess sem tónlistarmúsin Maxímús músíkús trítlar reglulega um gólfin og gleður yngri gesti Hörpu. Tónleikaraðirnar Múlinn jazzklúbbur og Sígildir sunnudagar halda úti vikulegum tónleikum yfir vetrartímann. Múlinn hefur einnig fært út kvíarnar og heldur úti sumartónleikaröð sem laðar til sín erlenda ferðamenn. Velkomin heim er tónleikaröð á sumartíma þar sem ungir tónlistarmenn búsettir erlendis koma á heimavöllinn sinn og halda tónleika fyrir gesti og gangandi þar sem aðgangur er ókeypis.   

Iceland Symphony Orchestra

The Iceland Symphony Orchestra (ISO) has been a leading force in Iceland’s music scene for over 70 years. The orchestra gives around 100 concerts each season, including subscription performances with internationally renowned classical musicians, but also frequently collaborates with artists from other genres. The Iceland Symphony is the resident orchestra in Reykjavík’s award-winning Harpa Concert Hall.

The Icelandic Opera

The Icelandic Opera has acquired an important place in the nation’s cultural life and received numerous awards and recognition for its outstanding operatic productions. It regularly stages high-quality and varied operas, both from the traditional repertoire and new.

The Reykjavik Big Band

The Reykjavik Big Band has always endeavoured to seek varied projects. In addition to new music, both domestic and foreign, the band has performed historical programmes connected to individual composers and bands.

Maximus Musicus

Maximus Musikus is without doubt the most famous musical mouse in Iceland. The books about him have enjoyed tremendous popularity with Icelandic children and are now becoming available around the world.

Pictures from the Iceland Symphony Orchestra's events in the year 2022

Pictures from the Icelandic Opera's 2022 year of operation

Pictures from the Reykjavik Big Band´s 2022 year of operation