Dark Music Days 2025: Reykjavik Chamber Orchestra at DMD
2.500 - 3.900 kr
Next event
Sunday 26th January - 21:00
The Reykjavík Chamber Orchestra is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Since its founding, the ensemble has engaged in a diverse range of performances, presenting music that spans 400 years - from Baroque to contemporary works. The ensemble has premiered numerous key pieces in Iceland, many of them at the Dark Music Days festival.
At this year’s Dark Music Days, the orchestra marks the milestone with an unexpected retrospective, featuring an older work by Þuríður Jónsdóttir alongside new compositions by Tumi Árnason and Tryggvi M. Baldvinsson.
Reykjavik Chamber Orchestra
Soloist: Herdís Anna Jónasdóttir soprano
Conductor: Mirian Khukhunaishvili
Tónskáldafélag Íslands
The ticket prices are as follows:
3.900 kr.
What´s on
Norðurljós is a recital hall on Harpa’s second floor, situated between Eldborg and Silfurberg. It offers various possibilities for concerts, conferences, receptions and other events.
Harpa Highlights